About The Thunderbird Midwest Club
The Thunderbird Midwest Club was formed in 1979 and has grown steadily throughout the years to include 75+ memberships for 2017. The Thunderbird Midwest Club originally allowed only Thunderbirds between the years of 1958 through 1966 but now welcomes Thunderbirds of all years, from 1955 through the 2005 models. Read our President’s Message.
Join our car club today – Membership Application
Club Events
It’s an active club with many different events to take part in and enjoy and members can select their own level of participation. A Spring Cruise starts the season in late May and then in early October, the fall cruise signals that the end of the season is drawing closer. The end of the year is capped off by the Christmas Party, always the first Sunday afternoon of December. Cruises to VTCI Regional and International Conventions has become very popular with many members planning a mini vacation around these events. Locally we participate in a number of car shows and events, either as a club or just individually, where we attract new members, young and old.
See Our Yearly Events or Event Calendar
We are Thunderbrid Car Enthusiasts
Thunderbird Midwest Club has a number of charter members with years and years of experience and knowledge on restoring and maintaining the classic Thunderbirds. The club and it’s members are also a tremendous source for finding those hard-to-find parts for your restoration project. The local members are very helpful with your restoration project.
Vintage Thunderbird Club International
You can also join the International club, the VTCI, with expertise reaching from coast to coast as well as abroad. It’s a great hobby and past time and of course you get to meet the nicest people, classic car owners. Website: vintagethunderbirdclub.net